Do You Talk to Your Food?

Helpful Tips To Eating Healthy During the Passover / Easter Holiday

Do you talk to your food? Sounds absurd I know. But, be honest, how many times have you walked into a party or event and become completely obsessed with the food you will enjoy while you are there? It’s almost like the apple pie or stuffing is literally calling your name when you arrive. Or am I the only one who has experienced this madness? Instead of focusing on the hugs and connecting with the people at these events I find I”m scanning the buffet table in search of what I will grab first. The struggle is real, friends!

With Passover and Easter being here I wanted to offer some strategies to help you navigate through these gatherings. Whether it’s the temptation of the holiday food and drink or the stress of family that leads to more binge eating, it’s always best to have a plan in place in advance. This helps to insure our success instead of just hoping for it. Below are a few helpful tips to keeping your mindset focused on healthy eating.

Decide in Advance

My best advice is for you to decide beforehand what you plan to do while there. Do you plan to stick 100% to your health plan or maybe allow a small piece of that apple pie? You get to choose. But, deciding in advance will definitely increase the likelihood that you don’t go overboard in the process.

Bring Along a Healthy Option

My number one strategy for these events is to offer to bring a healthy dish along so I know I’ll have something to eat that will keep me on track. It gives me peace of mind and others always enjoy it too.

Hydrate & Fuel Your Body Well

Another great trick is to hydrate well throughout the day (64-100 ounces) and to have a small healthy snack just before you head out so you feel a sense of control when you walk in the door instead of feeling ravenous. And finally, how about really making an effort to focus on the reason you are getting together with family and friends and make the holiday more about that than it is about what you’ll be eating while there.

About the Author – Jen Boss, Health and Wellness Coach

A former elementary school teacher and longtime stay at home mom, Jen started her health and wellness business in February of 2019 after tackling health goals of her own. 
With the guidance of a coach, support of a community, education and a simply structured nutrition plan, Jen helps people take their health back & empowers them to live their best possible life centered around what matters most to them. The intention is to make health a habit and dieting a thing of the past. 

Adequate Sleep Can Make All the Difference

restful sleep

Restful Sleep is Priceless to Your Health

Focusing attention to optimal sleep can play a critical role to your overall health. Adequate sleep can make anyone feel refreshed and energized. Just like a healthy diet and exercise, obtaining restful sleep can play a drastic role in physical health, brain function, and overall emotional well-being. The importance of starting every day with a restful mind can create a good day for anyone.

Tips to Optimizing Your Sleep and Managing Energy

Set a Bedtime Goal

Make a point to plan your sleep time. Getting reacquainted with a routine that works for your lifestyle. If reading a book or watching television relaxes you, continue this routine. You know your body better than anyone, so think about times that you woke up feeling refreshed. Ask yourself what factors made you have a good night sleep? Were the blinds closed? Was the ceiling fan running? Try to mimic this routine so to gain a restful night. Ideally eight hours is considered a healthy, restful night sleep. Sticking to the same sleep schedule helps the body find its natural rhythm and settle into a regular cycle, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up.

Create a Bedtime Routine

Have an evening ritual. At least one hour before your bedtime, create a solid routine. Commonly known as the twilight hour, the bedtime ritual creates a natural rhythm and environment for rest. Clear you mind from any worry or distractions. Tell yourself that it’s not healthy to recap the day and unattended tasks. Make it a point to leave any unattended chores, family matters or any burdens outside your bedroom door. Visualization does help create this mental decluttering routine.

Set the mood for an optimal sleep environment.

Restful sleep is the result of the right environment. Bedroom should be quiet, dark and temperature comfortable. Black out blinds can be beneficial to creating the right sleep environment. White noise devices found on Amazon can help create instant relaxation.

Create a Morning Routine.

Just like a good bedtime routine, a morning routine can help make the most out of each morning. Assuming you maintained a restful 8 hours of sleep, your body and mind will be energized to start the day. Morning routine activities could be morning intentions, meditations, journaling, a walk with the dog or a healthy breakfast.

Restart Breathing

Active, mindful breathing can help energize your body and mind. Throughout the day, take deep, control breathing exercises. Stretching, inversions creating blood flow to the brain or listening to music can reinvigorate the body. Creating a positive, mindful environment throughout your day can offer productivity, mental sharpness and clarity.

To learn more about Healthy Living, be sure to ask Dr. Daniel Boss about health tips and supportive services available throughout Jupiter and Palm Beach Gardens.